Michigan Technological University: Vienna - Prague - Dresden

The Exploration Team
Creative Travelers
Get to know a little bit about our team!

Megan Cole
Megan has always had a passion for traveling, history, and the arts. Her favorite art forms are digital, painting, and sculpture. She is taking The Bohemian Art Studio with Lisa and is completing an independent studies. She made this blog as well as the Instagram for our class.

Madi Wentela
Madi is the Teaching Assistant for the International Arts Immersion course. Her background is in stage management, gallery administration, and costuming. She's passionate about storytelling, sculpture, and baking. She loves to travel, and can't wait to see all of the cities planned for this trip!

Bobbie Desgrange
Howdy! My name is Bobbie Desgrange (they/them), and I am a 4th year theater and entertainment technology student with a passion for scenic art! I love baking pretty much anything sourdough. You can usually find me hiking or taking pictures of stone work!

Bronwyn Weiker
Hello, my name is Bronwyn Weiker, although I usually just go by B. I am entering my senior year at Michigan Tech as a biomedical engineering major. I am part of the H-STEM enterprise team at Michigan Tech, working on a prosthetic leg. I love to travel and explore new places as well as pretty much anything outdoors. I am super excited to learn more about the cultures in the countries that we are visiting.

Charlotte Haanela
Hello! I am Charlotte Haanela, a senior at Michigan Technological University pursuing my
bachelors in English with a minor in art. The main mediums that I work with are oil and acrylic
paint. Whether it be a backyard or a nature trail, you can be sure to find me enjoying the
outdoors, probably sipping on coffee.

Emilie Rummer
Hi, I’m Emilie! I just finished my second year as a software engineering major with a minor in theatre technology. I’m super excited to travel and learn more about the places we’re visiting.

Eva Hautamaki
My name is Eva. I recently graduated. My favorite dinosaur is a brachiosaurus. I like plants, frogs, and bread.

Greta Fournier
Hello! My name is Greta Fourneir, and I am from Stevens Point, Wisconsin. I just finished my first year at Michigan Tech as a chemistry major, and look forward to the rest of my time at Tech. In my free time, I like to craft, with crocheting as my main talent, but I also like exploring new interests. I also enjoy music and had a great time as a part of the Huskies Pep Band. I would also say I am an adventurous person who enjoys hiking, swimming, and anything outdoors.

Iain Krull
Iain has always had an interest in history, Europe, and art of all kinds. He is taking The Technicalities Studio with Kent and Decorative Arts- Costumes and Textiles with Mary. These classes allow him to truly appreciate the engineering that went on behind the stage of old theatres, and expand his knowledge and skills with costumes and materials.

Jack Summers
Hi, my name is Jack Summers. I just finished my first year as a Sound Design student. I love recording and sound effects work, and am hoping to be able to record some ambiences while on the trip, especially because Houghton doesn’t offer much in the way of city ambience. Some of my interests include listening to music, watching movies with friends, and reading (As of the time this was typed I have a backlog of like 30 unread books just sitting on my shelf).

Jake Condon
Jake is an Audio Production and Technology major at Michigan Tech who plans to study acoustics. This trip is his first time leaving North America and he’s looking forward to seeing historical cities and the art on exposition at the Prague Quadrennial. His hobbies include guitar, sports broadcasting, and esports.

Paige McKean
Hello! I am Paige McKean, a third year environmental engineering student minoring in art. I am from Niles, Michigan. I enjoy working on my art, hiking, and having new experiences. Recently, I have been working with gouache and charcoal.

Riley Nelson
Some things about me is I really enjoy D&D, music and puppetry.
When I’m not busy doing any of those I tend to be playing video games and cooking

Sam Canevez
Hi! I’m Sam. I’m a digital media artist, but also have a passion for various traditional arts and crafts like painting, knitting and spinning, and carpentry. I moved to Houghton in 2022 with my partner and our dog, Maya, a beagle/dachshund.

Sean Bennink
My name is Sean Bennink, I just finished my second-year at MTU for electrical and computer engineering. At MTU I am a part of the Aerospace enterprise as a part of the ground support equipment team. I love traveling and learning about new cultures and history. My hobbies include hiking, skiing, and broomball.

Stacy Berndt
I am Stacy Berndt. I’m currently majoring in chemical engineering but I studied graphic design for 2 years beforehand. I really like making art in my spare time, when I'm not playing video games.

Zach Brouckman
Hi, my name is Zachary Brouckman. I’m currently a 3rd year Sound Design major with a minor in Music Composition at Michigan Tech. This is my first time leaving the country and I’m super excited for all the amazing places we will see!

Lisa Gordillo
Lisa is one of the trip's co-leaders. She's teaching The Bohemian Art Studio and co-teaching International Arts Immersion with Kent and Mary. Lisa was part of an art installation that took part on V. Kotcich Street during the 2011 Prague Quadrennial, and she's super excited to visit Kotcich street again. Lisa speaks Spanish, some French, and a små bit of Swedish. She loves gardening, sewing, and spooning with her cuddly pitbull Sarah.

Mary Cyr
Mary is one of the trip’s co-leaders. She’s teaching The Costume and Textiles Studio and co-teaching International Arts Immersion with Lisa and Kent. Mary is a designer, technician, and crafts artisan. Her goal is to help students understand and utilize the power of design elements to create evocative new motifs. Mary loves anything that has to do with baking, costumes, fashion, and sewing. She especially loves visiting museums and being the geeky person pressed up against the glass to get a better look.

Kent Cyr
Kent is one of the trip’s co-leaders. He’s teaching The Technicalities Studio and co-teaching International Arts Immersion with Mary and Lisa. He is a fabricator, designer, and problem-solver. His passion is teaching and taking problems 'back-to-basics' to explore solutions and accessibility for all skill sets and levels. Kent’s hobbies include reading and model building (trains most specifically).